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News 1 min Read 29 Jan 2020

EDFI ElectriFI advances renewable energy access in world’s poorest countries with financing for off-grid solar projects

EDFI ElectriFI (ElectriFI), the EU Electrification Financing Initiative, has committed EUR 4 million to support the introduction of off-grid solar kits, productive tools and solar appliances in Mali and Niger.

ElectriFI’s loan will help FinEU Ellen distribute solar kits and appliances to individuals, schools, health clinics and small businesses in Mali and Niger providing them with an affordable source of reliable electricity.

This project advances ElectriFI commitment to support development in Sahel by connecting 2000 households to electricity“ said Dominiek Deconinck, ElectriFI manager. “Expanding access to electricity is one of the most effective ways to empower people, improving their quality of life and fostering economic growth” he added.

As only 16 percent of population have regular access to electricity in Niger and 35 percent in Mali, accelerating electrification of rural areas where most of the citizens live is crucial to boost growth and improve living conditions. In rural areas, electricity is particularly scarce, with only about one percent of the population having access. In that context, the solar kits and appliances distributed by FinEU Ellen in Mali and Niger are based on a solar kit developed specifically for rural electrification in Sub-Saharan Africa.

“ElectriFI support accelerates in a significant manner the development of our company in Niger and in Mali. This is an important step for our companies in Niger and Mali to scale up the access of productive Electricity for the poorest rural areas“  said Vincent Monteux, FinEU General Manager.