Grievance Mechanism
EDFI MC’s Grievance Mechanism is established to respond to legitimate concerns and grievances by individuals and their representatives who are adversely impacted by EDFI MC’s investments.
The mechanism offers the channel of addressing these complaints.
Any person who is adversely impacted can lodge a grievance, preferably in English, by using the form below. Grievances can also be sent to EDFI MC by email or letter.
The persons who have lodged a grievance will be kept informed about expected response times and progress made in addressing grievances. The identity if the complainant will be kept confidential.
Grievances should preferably contain the following information:
- The identity of the complainant(s): name(s), address(es) and other contact information.
- If the party submitting the complaint is doing so on behalf of an affected person or community, it must identify on whose behalf the complaint is made. It must also present evidence that it has been requested to present the complaint on behalf of the project-affected people/person.
- A description of the project financed or under consideration by EDFI MC, as far as it may be known to the complainant.
- A description of the situation which is the subject to the complaint: a) Environmental or social impacts: A statement of the way in which the complainant believes it has been, or is likely to be, affected by environmental and/or social impacts of the project; b) Governance and business integrity: description of the non-compliance with law and regulations or deviation from good practices in the field of governance or business integrity.
- Explanation about whether and how the complainant attempted to resolve the problem, including any contact with EDFI MC staff, investee or host government and legal actions.
You can download the Grievance and Complaint form and send it to