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Unlock, accelerate and leverage sustainable agriculture finance

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The Agriculture Financing Initiative (AgriFI) is an innovative EU-funded blending facility supporting investments with a value chain approach focusing on smallholder’s inclusiveness and/or agri-business medium, small and micro enterprises (MSME).

AgriFi is financed by the European Union and managed by the EDFI Management Company. AgriFI responds to the lack of financing mechanisms adapted to smallholders with limited market orientation, vulnerable groups, women and youth, farmers and entrepreneurs.

Increased investment in rural areas is critical to improve lives of vulnerable populations living in rural areas. Besides public financing, additional investment is imperative to enhance the development impact of the interventions and achieve scalability. Inclusive and sustainable agricultural growth requires greater investment in smallholder agriculture and agribusiness MSMEs.

AgriFI financing will support the increase of yields at affordable rates, and help raise farmer incomes. Increased farmer income and adherence to the highest environmental and social standards, will support sustainable supply chains that create additional employment, improve food security and enhance environmental and social practices.

Additionality and catalytic role

Additional to other market players and catalysing additional investments

Leverage 3.1X

Catalysed additional

€122 million

of investments

Looking for investment?

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Our mandates

€120 million

Targeted types of investees:

SMEs, Financial institutions and Impact funds

Ticket size

€0.5 to €5 million

Medium-long term tenor

5-10+ years

Geographical scope


All instruments

junior/senior debt, quasi-equity, equity


Agrifood and forestry value chain

Flexible commercial terms

e.g. patient capital, local currency, flexible use of proceeds


encompasses several facilities:

Landscape image