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News 1 min Read 14 Feb 2022

PowerGen connects 13 rural communities to renewable energy in Nigeria

In July 2021, PowerGen, a leading developer in Africa of on-grid and off-grid distributed energy, partnered with EDFI ElectriFI and other investors, to connect 55,00 people to electricity in rural Nigeria.

Oikocredit, Triodos IM, and EDFI ElectriFI are funding the construction phase of a project that sees PowerGen building and operating ~20 mini-grids serving 11,000 residential, commercial, and productive use customers by the end of 2022.

We are delighted to report PowerGen commissioned so far 7 solar mini-grids in the communities of Rokota, Maagi Igenchi, Maagi Bukun, Kpanbo, Ndejiko, Gbara and Nantu. An additional 6 solar mini-grids in the communities of Dancitagi, Dukugi, Sachi Nku, Gbade, Sosa and Ebangi have reached operation and will officially be commissioned shortly. So far, 4,550 new connections to electricity have been created.

The project is supported by grant funding from the Nigeria Rural Electrification Agency’s Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP), which provides a fixed grant for each customer connected. Rokota, was the first to be commissioned under the NEP Performance Based Grant (PBG) program.

More coming soon.