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Burkina Faso, Mali, Rwanda


Renewable energy

Financial facility


In 2017, ElectriFI signed a development finance loan of EUR 100,000 with Flexgrid, to support the company deploying innovative technology in a rural microgrid in Mali.

Project overview

Contract signature date: November 2017

Countries: Mali, Burkina Faso, Rwanda

Total ElectriFI financing: EUR 0.1m

About the project:

EDFI ElectriFI has provided EUR 100,000  to fund the improvement and expansion of the constructed pilot in Mali, including the development of metering & payment solution as well as helping improve the business model.

EDFI ElectriFI supports the development and the growth of FlexGrid Mali’s rural electrification endeavour in Mali, through the innovative “Flex-Grid” technology. Flex-Grid’s modularity – based on an innovative “swarm intelligence” concept – would make the system suitable for a demand-driven approach and could reduce the risks associated with an uncertain demand.

Funding objective

EDFI ElectriFI has provided EUR 100,000 to fund the
improvement and expansion of the constructed pilot
in Mali, including the development of metering &
payment solution as well as helping improve the
business model.

Key Indicators

Financial Instrument

Development finance loan


EUR 0.1 million
